About Us
Our Mission
We build a better Louisiana for women, girls and gender expansive people by advocating for reproductive health, rights and justice.

Our Vision
We envision a liberated and equitable Louisiana where our laws are rooted in compassion and empathy. Regardless of race, gender, class, or ability, every individual enjoys autonomy, access to essential information and unrestricted resources, allowing them to make informed decisions about their reproductive futures.
Our Values
We exist within an ecosystem of reproductive health, rights and justice, and we support reciprocal, accountable relationships to shift power and improve the quality of life for women in Louisiana, their families and their communities.
We inherited an imperfect world fraught with systemic inequality including colonization, patriarchy and white supremacy. We believe in harnessing our ideals of creating a just world and commit ourselves to analyzing how power can be shifted to increase equity for all.
We believe in love and the power of love to lift us all into our higher selves. We choose compassion over judgment, condemnation or shut doors. We challenge ourselves to invoke compassion in times of conflict.
We believe in meeting people where they are in their reproductive health journeys and support what they determine to be the best decisions for themselves while providing information and access to information to inform their decisions. We work to inspire and share tools to increase people’s ability to speak up for themselves.
We demand accountability and transparency of the highest standard from our democratically elected leaders and model these values in how we do our work.