Preventing Pregnancy

The only 100% foolproof way to prevent pregnancy is to not have sex. However, if you are having sex, using birth control (contraception) will significantly lower your risk of a teen pregnancy. Certain methods of birth control can make the risk of pregnancy as low as 0.01%. If you are sexually active and want to prevent pregnancy, you need to be using a reliable method of birth control every time you have sex. You and your partner should use a condom and a hormonal form of birth control to minimize your chances of pregnancy and prevent transmission of STIs. Condoms will protect against sexually transmitted infections, but birth control (such as the birth control pill or the IUD) will not. It is important to use both.

Prevention Information for Young People

  • Minors who are married can get a prescription for birth control without a parent’s permission. Minors can consent to health care if (in consultation with a health care provider) it is determined that they require treatment that includes hormonal birth control.

    If you go to a Title X clinic, your appointment will be completely confidential, including your billing and your records. Find a Title X clinic near you here or call Planned Parenthood.

  • Whatever age or gender you are, you can buy levonorgestrel-based emergency contraception (EC) pills including Plan B One-Step, Next Choice One Dose, and My Way over-the-counter at the pharmacy without a prescription.

    Plan B NOLA offers limited delivery and pick-up options in Orleans Parish, Metairie, Jefferson, Elmwood, Harahan, Kenner, Westwego, Marrero, Harvey, and Gretna.

    Plan B at Walgreens

    Plan B at CVS

Birth Control

  • Family Planning Services - Take Charge Plus provides family planning services and family planning related services, including birth control (pills, implants, injections, condoms, and IUDs), contraceptive counseling and education. All Louisiana residents of childbearing age regardless of gender with an income at or below 138% of the Federal Poverty level are eligible. Beginning January 2023, Medicaid will cover dispensing a 6-month supply of contraceptives, so you can reduce the number of visits to get your birth control refilled. Click here to apply for this program.

    For assistance with locating a provider, call 1-877-455-9955.

  • The cost of birth control depends on whether you have insurance and which clinic you go to. Most insurance will cover all the costs associated with birth control, including LARCs (Long Active Reversible Contraceptive). Some clinics offer free or low-cost birth control if you don’t have insurance. The cost of birth control at Title X clinics varies depending on how much money you’re making.

    You can also order birth control via a few online providers, including the Nurx app, which costs $15/month.

  • There are many types of birth control that are safe and effective for preventing pregnancy. Some birth control uses hormones to prevent pregnancy. Others are barrier methods, like condoms, that prevent sperm from reaching an egg. Some are long-term and do not require you to remember to take a pill every day, like the implant or IUD. All birth control (except sterilization) is reversible. Learn more about the different kinds of birth control at this link.

  • Plan B NOLA offers limited delivery and pick-up options in Orleans Parish, Metairie, Jefferson, Elmwood, Harahan, Kenner, Westwego, Marrero, Harvey, and Gretna.

    BIG EASY EC confidentially delivers FREE emergency contraception and pregnancy tests 24/7 to Tulane and Loyola students! TEXT: (504)-215-8634

    NOW Baton Rouge provides kits including Plan B, pregnancy test, condoms, and useful information in a discreet package.

    Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response (STAR) STAR® survivors to reduce their experience of trauma.

    Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast — NOLA & Baton Rogue - Emergency contraception is available during all business hours, for all ages.

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